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Wednesday, June 3, 2009


SIS ang EB guesting...

You guys are aaaaahhhmazing! Thank you so much for showing our Angel so much Pinoy LOVE! I was ready to burst with pride when I saw the number of people outside the studio who all came to see D! you're all great in T.V guys..lol.. Thank you so much! <333

Now, on to my recap. Finally. Oh, and don’t bother to get tissues. I promise I won’t make you cry coz I will pretty much be fangirling and flailing here. You know how I roll! ;)

My May 15 started pretty early. Around 5.30am. Yes, that’s early for me coz im not a morning person. Anyway, we (the APTC) knew that we had a looong and uber exciting david-filled day ahead – though i didn't have a chance to got into the venue ,, we are just waiting for the news of our fellow archies... tnx for them...

enough to say, finally seeing David perform live was a dreamlike yet extremely, unbelievably, amazingly magical experience but so sad that i wasn't able to be there so i'd rather watch him oh T.V gosh i saw all my fellow archies there (tatag nio).. It was the very first time I saw him perform in philippine television and I couldn’t stop thinking to myself how unbelievable it was, like I was just watching a youtube video but sooooo much better. A billion times better than all of the videos of him I had seen put together.

OHMYDAVID jonalyn viray ask him for a kiss i was so shock ( she's so uber kafal) but then when he finally sing mygosh my world slows down and my heart beats fast!! haha!! i can't explain what it's exactly feels like but my mind said that he's freakin hot!!!

But then the BEST thing happened! Something I NEVER EVER thought would happen!

Was in Eatbulaga as soon as he finished singing the chorus, he looked in to the camera and started singing the next two lines! i just feel like I'm at the studio watching him live!! I seriously forgot about everything at that moment! I just remember putting my camera down slightly and looking up at him, straight in the eyes, to make sure that I was not hallucinating or anything! I just spazzed and flailed and screamed with what’s left of my already hoarse voice! I’m pretty sure my mouth was hanging open the entire time and my arms were busy flailing in every direction and all I could say was “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh Oh my goshhhhh!” i wish I was there And the funny thing was, I’m sure I looked ridiculous and pathetic, flailing and screaming my head off like that and just about ready to pass out! And I totally forgot about my camera!! I never thought that AP was given me a task to take a video while watching TV!!! wahaha I'm so sorry AP....

I wish you here
7:18 PM


Hello, world of David Archuleta obsessers! I'm Elaign, a eighteen year old girl who has an extremely bad case of ODAD Obsessive David Archuleta Disorder.!


just an ordinary girl with super extra ordinary life. well, first of all im obsessed with archie..im shy in a way im pretty cool once you get to know me real. i pretty much like all music.. mostly pop and love song.. lol.. ummm ARCHIES pretty damn fine himself! lol.. well thats all you need to know about me.
contact me at...
email : elaignbruno@yahoo.com


*David archuleta


*twitter* *multiply* *facebook* *@DavidArchie* *archuletaphilippines*


" wat d heck !! David Archie i miss you so much!!I...
OHMYARCHIE!!! i feel awful for my self, DANG.. God...
OHMYDAVID!! look at this awesome pics !!!Ahh. I am...
ohmygod!!! i really meet David Archuleta haha!!! t...
MY DEAR Lil'DAVID, If only you kn...
please vote David Archuleta on popstar awardz here...
“Woaaah. Ohh… I wanna know you.. Wooahh Ohh.. I wa...
" awW!! the concert was so crowded"!!go archie!!
♥" here's my twitter page!! click here: http://twi...
ummer Tour 2009! ...

